Sunday bingo is a year-round fundraiser exclusively benefiting our Vintage music programs! It's specifically hosted and run by the VHS Music Boosters families and raises the majority of our annual revenue to provide uniforms, instruments, sheet music, bus transportation, paper, supplies and more!
We need volunteer workers to make bingo a success. Your help will not only provide funds for our music programs, but you'll accumulate funding into the music fundraising usage account, which you can use towards items such as field trip costs, event and concert tickets, music lessons, music apparel, instrument repair and senior items if your student is a senior.
Bingo only works if we provide workers! FREE DINNER and beverages are served to you when you work! See the below bingo job descriptions for each position. Previous bingo work experience is not needed, you will be trained. Please sign-up for one Sunday shift during the school year and summer months.
Nine (9) adults and two (2) students are needed every Sunday to work the 2:00 PM to 7:30 PM shift. The students work at the "concessions/kitchen". All new adult workers start out as a "Runner". Work once a month or as often as you'd like! To place yourself on the bingo work schedule, click the "Bingo Work Schedule" blue button below. If you have any questions about the schedule or need help signing up, contact our schedulers, Bruce & Cyndi Crane, at [email protected]
Sunday bingo is a year-round fundraiser exclusively benefiting our Vintage music programs! It's specifically hosted and run by the VHS Music Boosters families and raises the majority of our annual revenue to provide uniforms, instruments, sheet music, bus transportation, paper, supplies and more!
We need volunteer workers to make bingo a success. Your help will not only provide funds for our music programs, but you'll accumulate funding into the music fundraising usage account, which you can use towards items such as field trip costs, event and concert tickets, music lessons, music apparel, instrument repair and senior items if your student is a senior.
Bingo only works if we provide workers! FREE DINNER and beverages are served to you when you work! See the below bingo job descriptions for each position. Previous bingo work experience is not needed, you will be trained. Please sign-up for one Sunday shift during the school year and summer months.
Nine (9) adults and two (2) students are needed every Sunday to work the 2:00 PM to 7:30 PM shift. The students work at the "concessions/kitchen". All new adult workers start out as a "Runner". Work once a month or as often as you'd like! To place yourself on the bingo work schedule, click the "Bingo Work Schedule" blue button below. If you have any questions about the schedule or need help signing up, contact our schedulers, Bruce & Cyndi Crane, at [email protected]
View the work schedule below to see the positions where we currently need your help and sign-up instantly!
Free Dinner & Beverages! Help our Music Programs! Sign-up for a Position!
Free Dinner & Beverages! Help our Music Programs! Sign-up for a Position!
Concessions/Kitchen Help (2 students needed each Sunday)
Sets up coffee and water stations, organizes the snack area, makes microwaved popcorn, and trains new kitchen helpers.
Runner (3 adults needed each Sunday)
Walk around the Bingo Emporium selling Flash games, and assist the Flash Manager (wear comfortable shoes)
Pull Tabs
Sell Pull Tabs, assembles Specials Packets, and assists where needed.
Flash Manager
Organize and sell Flash games, manage Runners, manage inventory of Flash games and supplies.
Assistant Flash Manager
Assist the Flash Manager with organizing and selling Flash games and managing Runners.
Assistant Game Manager
Sell special games, payout winnings after each game, and support Pull Tabs.
Caller (2 needed each Sunday)
Sell Bingo paper, call Bingo games, assist with payouts when not calling.
Scheduler - long term commitment
Assists with scheduling bingo workers, manages our SignUp Genius account, recruits bingo workers, creates bingo signup sheet, sends out reminder emails and help needed emails. Bruce and Cyndi Crane are our current bingo schedulers. If you'd to get involved and become the Scheduler, please contact Bruce!
For questions about the schedule, or if you need help signing-up, contact Bruce and Cyndi at: [email protected]
View our bingo work schedule above to see where you can help!
Please know that your time is very much appreciated. Once you're on the work schedule we rely on your help. If you're unable to make your shift please give plenty of notice, as we don't have the resources to cover shifts at the last moment and it's a heavy burden to try to find a replacement for your position. If you don't provide notice of your absence and just "no show", unfortunately you'll be dropped from our contact list and lose the opportunity and benefits from working bingo in the future.
Thank you again for your help with generating needed funds for our wonderful music departments and directors so they can provide your child the outstanding musical education they deserve!
Contact our bingo manager, Tracee Walston, at (707) 337-8217 if you have specific questions about bingo, jobs, or operations.